It adds countless options to give you greater control over your Sims and your world, more for the convenience of the player than stability per se, but the mod can still be used to help keep your game running smoothly, too. If you’re familiar with Deaderpool’s MCCC mod for The Sims 4, this mod is its predecessor. This mod removes anywhere between 70-100+ abandoned cars every single night in my game. The Overwatch mod switches off all televisions and radios in the world at 3am as well as deletes any abandoned cars sitting around town.

When left unchecked, all this junk can bloat your save file over time until it can’t even load anymore. This mod acts as a periodic cleanup tool that removes junk and buggy objects from your game every night at 3am.

Another must-have mod to keep The Sims 3 running smoothly is the Overwatch mod.